Monday, August 04, 2008

Team Burgess

Today on my lunch break, I called Sadie's daycare provider to see how she was adjusting. After relieving my mind with a good report, she went on the compliment Dave.

"Did he remember to give you a check on Friday?" I asked.

"Oh yes, and this morning, he came in waving a pack of diapers. He was so excited that he remembered. I wish all fathers were as enthusiastic."

I love my husband deeply. I always have and always will, no matter what he does or doesn't do, but this afternoon, I was reminded once again of how blessed I am. It seems like the more kids we add to the mix, and the busier our lives become, the easier it is to impress me with simple gestures. Dave likes to joke that it makes me hot when he does yard work. And I'll admit, it kind of does.

When we first got married, we struggled to work together as a team. He hated how I always left the lights on and the way I loaded the dishwasher and I hated how he would throw his clothes on a pile next to the bed and leave dishes in the sink. We still get frustrated, but I think we've learned better how to serve each other.

When I got home from work today, I realized he had made both beds and put the breakfast dishes in the sink. Maybe he was just hoping to get lucky, but it made me feel loved and appreciated. In the chaos of family, it is easy to dwell on the things that the other person doesn't do and so tonight, I am so thankful to be a part of a great team.


Erika Mills said...

Team work - yup, a good reminder for all of us!

Sounds like you're being rewarded for all the hard work :)

I think it will all be worth it when we're old and grey, sitting on the porch in our bathrobe with our best friend...

Mel said...

There is no shame in doing chores in exchange for play.