Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Real Slim Sadie

Welcome to our family, Sadie!

Actually, at 9lbs and 7 ounces, not so slim. Sarah Vassar Burgess arrived a little earlier than we expected on March 14, 2007. She is beautiful. To us, she looks like Amelia with dark hair, though we're not completely sure yet where that characteristic came from. We are overjoyed to finally have a new baby to fill up the crib and keep us awake at night again (it's not so bad).

One of the most precious moments of my life was the first time I saw Amelia after Sadie was born. We live an hour away from the hospital, so I hadn't seen her in two days and missed her terribly. Daddy sent her into the hospital room by herself while he stood outside the door. In her arms was a bouquet of flowers. Her little face lit up when she saw me and of course, I was in tears. From the door, I heard daddy say, "Give mommy the flowers..." At that, Amelia grabbed an enormous handful of petals from the bouquet and placed them in my hand. And her first thoughts on her new little sister: "I like Sadie. I want to hold Sadie." We are blessed.

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love the title of this post, and Sadie is a beautiful girl.

Reece is getting ready for his first girlfriend. Gotta grow some hair first (though mama had no problem going for a guy who was losing his...)