Saturday, May 16, 2009

Where I've Been

Snow in Alabama!
Daddy with his matching girls

Sadie and Amelia, hamming it up for the camera
Messy playroom
I love how close they're sitting in this picture:)
Sadie and our new swing set= thanks Ajee and Bapa!
T-ball- Go Royals!
Elton John, backstage before the performance
Easter Sunday
Hunting eggs at church
The Nygren's visit- sweet times with sweet friends
Sadie and Molly Grace
Sadie's 2nd birthday!
Perfecting the art of time out
Ajee's visit in April
Tired, but happy

February through May has been filled with illness, visits from friends (hurray!), visits from relatives (so thankful), decisions about schools (for both children), job applications (for the fourth year in a row), a trip to the Dominican Republic (Dave's, not mine), more illness, two T-ball games a week, and now finally, the end a very long, exhausting, but fulfilling school year. I feel like I am at the end of a marathon for which I did not properly train; I am weary in both body and spirit. I look forward to spending quality time my sweet little girls, replanting my flower boxes, wasting time with a diet coke in our inflatable backyard pool, reading some good books, and getting organized again. Posted above are some pictures from the last four months; more blogging to come!


The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...

I love seeing all these pictures and where you have been. I am amazed at how big the girls are getting sarah. They are so beautiful.
my fave is them sitting next to each other and watching tv! so cute.
.....and you have a playroom? yay!

Mel said...

At last - you're back! Great to see your photos, especially Elton John.

Nice to see Sadie enjoying Time Outs. I'm just starting to get into these, but the problem is that Reece actually enjoys them.

As soon as I bend down to pick him out of the chair, he gleefully slaps me to incite another round.

Not sure what to do with that...

Hope you enjoy summer!