Friday, June 15, 2007

Glory Days

After three months of sleep deprivation, countless hour long drives to the pediatrician's office and a tantrum prone two year old who was sure she was being replaced, our life as a family of four has finally settled into a manageable and wonderful routine of joyful chaos. We've cleared up Sadie's eczema, fattened her up so she can sleep through the night, and taken Amelia on lots of special trips to the library and swimming pool (sans Sadie, of course) to reassure her that she still has an important place in our family.

Though not tantrum-free, Amelia is much more secure in her role as an older sister. She now greets the baby each morning with the exclamation, "Ooooooh, Saaaaaadie (insert burgeoning southern accent here)" and a big, and increasingly gentle, kiss on the forehead. Sadie is now entering what Dave calls "The Golden Age of Baby." Our efforts at keeping her fed and diapered all these months have finally been rewarded with enormous, full body smiles; she's all dimples and gums and eyes. Her daddy and I are suckers for it.

Motherhood, as a vocation, is a whole lot harder than I ever thought it would be. It takes all of my heart and most of my energy. Probably the most challenging part of the whole deal is the lack of time that I have for myself. Sometimes, I just want to read a book without falling asleep before I get through the first page. Or watch "Ellen" uninterrupted. Or eat a dish of ice cream without having to share. And someday, I will again. But for now, I try to savor it because this life we are living is the life I always dreamed about. It's full, but it is fulfilling. These are our glory days.


Mel said...

She is beautiful.

Aren't the smiles THE BEST?!?!

To think that you are that wonderful and special to someone else who doesn't even understand what you're saying.

Anonymous said...

All of you have wonderful smiles!