Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Fish Named Sue

For Amelia's 3rd birthday, Dave and I decided to expand our family. So, last Friday night we drove 54 miles to Columbus, Georgia where we purchased a lovely little Beta fish, some faux seaweed for its tank, and about 6 months worth of Beta fish food (are we being optimistic?). When we got home, we set up the tank and put it next to Amelia's bed for her special birthday surprise.

The next morning we awoke to shrieks of joy. She wants a puppy, but for now a Beta fish will more than suffice. Dave and I sat down with her on her bed and asked what she wanted to name it.

"Well, how about Sue," she said without hesitation.

Sue it is. Life ain't easy for a fish named Sue.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I have spent the last 25 minutes reading through your blog, Sarah ... love it. I'm trying to restrain from commenting at everything (lest I never get to bed tonight!) ... but I had to say - you drove 54 miles for a fish!?!!

Life IS slower in Alabama! We're still waiting for God to move us somewhere like that.