Thursday, June 01, 2006

My Cup Runneth Over...

Because of the recent untimely death of an old friend, many of my thoughts have centered upon what it means to live life and to live it abundantly. I've spent the the past few days pouring over newspaper articles and blogs, reading tributes to his service in the community and anecdotes about his passion for family and friends. At his funeral on Wednesday, I was moved beyond words to see the number of lives that he touched and am honored to be one of them. When tragedies such as this occur in our midst, life assumes a certain poignancy, a richness, that reminds me to more fully live in the here and now; to not let a single moment escape.

A minute ago, Dave swung open the bedroom door and chuckling to himself, repeated in great length a joke he had just heard. Momentarily annoyed by the disruption, I remembered what I was writing about and tried to put myself fully in that moment, not because the joke was particularly funny (it was an "I guess you had to be there" kind of joke), but because I love that my husband wants to share the silly (and sometimes lame) things of life with me.

Ultimately, I realize that life is made up of a million little moments of which I have just experienced. I'm an expert in how to live fully in the profound moments of my life; I know what's expected of me in that regard. It's the small things; the little moments that I tend to brush aside and minimalize. Those are the moments that I need to cherish the most.

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