Saturday, January 28, 2006

Show Me Your Belly!

This morning Dave and I took Amelia to her baby gym class. Before I had a child of my own, I probably would have thought that the idea of taking a 13 month old to a gymnastics class was a bit silly. And I have to concede that maybe it is. Though there are obvious benefits such as gross motor skill development and socialization, I think a part of me is in this thing for selfish reasons. There aren't many things in this life that have brought me as much joy as watching half a dozen toddlers lifting up their shirts (the instructor incorporates the teaching of body parts into the lesson), all clamoring for the reward of having bubbles blown on their tummies. Amelia doesn't quite get the whole Pavlov-cause-and-effect-thing yet, but she was in bubble heaven nevertheless...and so was I.

1 comment:

RobeDownLow said...

I wonder what would happen if the instructor asked all the adults to show off their bellies. Are bubbles enough of an incentive? I've shown it off for less!